Really nice casino Has a lot to offer Great steakhouses Really conveniently located You only thing I don't understand is y Do they not have a poker room I live near the rivers but when I want to play poker I have to drive all the way to the Horshoe And all of my friends at the horseshoe which is over 20 people Live near the rivers we can't play. The blockbuster hits. The great food. The A-list service. The fame and fortune. We've got all the excitement of Hollywood, just 35 minutes from Chicago, right off the historic Route 66.
There are 14 poker rooms in the Chicago & Hammond area, and we at PokerAtlas provide complete and up-to-date information about every room in every location including Chicagoland West, Hammond, Joliet, Michigan City, and Peoria. Click on any of the poker room listings below for more information including poker tournament schedules, cash games, player reviews, contact information, amenities, promotions and more. Have a question about where to play? Ask our community!

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